About Us ~ New Bonvivant English School

About Us

A child is flower plucked from the gardens of God, transplanted into the soil of humanity and left to be watered and cared for by man, it flourishes best in the sun shine of pure environment, and has need to be watered with the tenderest interest and cultivated by a kind solicitude that wearies not.
            Knowledge, it is said is virtue, it is also defined as power. All these are indisputable when applied to certain contexts. Yet the fact knowledge can be abused in a way in our time.
            In reality to be good or bad of the child depends on the environment which is determined by the school where the students grow under the supervision of teachers. The environment is everything in the development of the child. Good education can make child good in character and intelligence. The term education is the influence of the environment of the individual with a view to produce permanent change in his habits of behavior of thought and of attitude.

Keeping in view such a cross road in education field faced by the present youth Mr. Nazir Ahmad Wani came into the field with great zeal, enthusiasm and has laid down the foundation of English medium school named Bonvivant English School on 10th Sep. 1972 at Khanda Bhawan Nawakadal Srinagar, with a aim to create such a healthy environment which will enable the youth to face the competition in every field of life. Unfortunately society provides neither a healthy environment nor intelligent and tender care for young generation. We want to bring into existence a society, which can fulfill the inner carving for love, identity harmony, brotherhood and creativity. The outstanding features of the basic organization of this institution are: -
1.           To nurture the environment we want.
2.        To provide education facilities to everyone according to present need regardless of cast, community and colour.